Guidance Lesson: Recognizing and Maintaining Healthy Friendships in Middle School
Topic: Recognizing and Maintaining Healthy Friendships Grade Level: 7th & 8th grade Rationale and clear purpose for the unit or lesson: The characteristics of one’s friends influence so many aspects of who one becomes. A student’s friends often predict what that student gets involved with, how he or she thinks of himself or herself, and who else a student spends time and energy with. Middle school is a pivotal time for students in both their development of friendships and their susceptibility to the pitfalls of peer pressure and other negative consequences related to the pursuit of identity. For these reasons, the guidance lesson will cause students to consider aspects of a healthy friendship and then learn to identify those characteristics or their lack in real life scenarios they may face. Applicable standard(s), objective(s), competency(ies): Students will develop a knowledge of the factors and characteristics involved in friendship that is strengthening and beneficial. T...